Hello Frank,


I can not help you much but the term Western Island refers to all the
islands in the Acores.


I grew up in Portsmouth NH and the Bartlett name is well known and goes
back to pre revolutionary days. There is a house on display in
Portsmouth known as the Bartlett house. There is also a street named
Bartlett Street.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Epping, New Hampshire, USA

Researching Bretanha, Ribeirinha, Ribeira Grande, Achade Grande, and
Ponta Delgada,  Sao Miguel, Acores
for, Pimentel (Costa), Carvalho, Teixeira, Rocha 


-----Original Message-----
From: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azo...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:12 PM
To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] looking for information on my g ggrandfather


Looking  for information on my g ggrandfather and his brother.  He and
his brother immigrated to the US in the 1870's-1880's as a pre teen and
his brother 

a teen as the story has been told.  They came through Portsmouth, NH.
My g grandfather was then adopted by a Bartlett family in NH and later
moved on

 to the Boston area.  Much is known about him from there on.  But little
mention of his past.  We know his brother moved on very soon after
arrival to Merced 

CA.  They used an  anglicized name something like Gerrivas, Gerevas. or
possibly Gervasio.  We know a sister joined the Uncle later on in the
1880's, but

 she went directly to Merced.  I am trying to find the  family name and
the Azorean island of they're origin.  Some had mentioned in the
ancestry notes that

it most likely was a western island of Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, or
Flores, since they supposedly arrived on a whaling vessel.  Anyway a
trip to the Azores is on my 

"bucket list" but I would like to have a little more info before I go.



Frank Bartlett 


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