This is a recent article from Dick Eastman:  The Best Way to Archive
Anything: L.O.C.K.S.S.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Spring, TX

Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire 



From: [] On Behalf Of
Cheri Mello
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] genealogy organization




Legacy has its Source Writer feature.  So with the search sites, I list the
URL (I think Legacy prompts you).  I also put in the date I accessed the


You didn't mention census, but when I started, I used to make photocopies of
them.  There was no other way back in the day.  Now, as I'm slowly adding my
paper stuff in, I go out to Ancestry (there's Heritage Quest, Footnote, and
Family Search) and download the image from there.  Then I throw away the
paper copy.


The census image is in a folder called Genealogy.  Under that I have several
folders:  Mello, Blackburn, etc.  So if I found my ancestors on the 1930, I
would call the file 1930ManuelMello and file it in the Mello folder (I put
the head of household in the name).  If he had an adult son with family in
the household, I might save the image twice and call it 1930JohnMello.  That
way when I'm working on John, I don't have to figure out where he was in the
1930.  I can see it right there.


Birth, marriage, newspaper clippings, etc:  Those I scan and put in the
program.  I keep the paper copies of them.  I have a notebook (well, many).
So if I had the obit for Manuel Mello, I pull my Portuguese family notebook
and look for the Mello tab (my tabs are alphabetical).  I have an acid free
sheet protector and I put the clipping in there.  


Once the CCA is fully online, I'll probably start downloading the images
from there and putting them in the computer folders.  So if I had the birth
of Luiz de Mello, I'd download it and save it to the Mello folder.  I just
call it LuizMelloBC (for birth).  If I had his marriage, it would be
LuizMelloMC (for marriage).  When I get multiple Luiz', I'd have
LuizMello1825BC and LuizMello1856BC so I can tell which is the father and
which is the son.  I put their birth year in the title.  Anyways, once I
start doing that, I will probably throw away the photocopies.


But having them sit just on my computer is NOT safe.  Anything can happen -
a hard drive crash, capacitor plague (I've had that twice), a virus, etc.
So having them on my computer is nice, but I would be hospitalized with
clinical depression if anything happened to my genealogy data!  So back it
up - in multiple places.  An external hard drive, an online backup service
(Mozy, Carbonite, maybe Dropbox would work for this).  If you work a lot
with a particular person, maybe you want to work out a deal where every week
you email your backup files to each other.  You don't have to have the same
genealogy program they do - they just keep it in case your computer crashes
and you need that file to restore onto your new computer.


Dick Eastman (genealogy tech guru) had written many times about genealogy
storage and back up options.  I'll look them up and post them later today.


Other people will have other ways of organizing.  This is just works for me.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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