I'm waiting for my brother to send me his "old" digital camera (I still use film) so I can photograph graves. What I don't care for is one time the lady requesting the photo (in another city) lived in MY town! Other obits mention family members living right here so I suggest that THEY take the photo. :-)
- Shirl -

There is nothing more annoying to volunteers than to go and take a photo just to find out the person requesting asked the world and someone else did it and wasted the volunteer's time. Even though I take pictures in larger city cemeteries, some are old. Some are so large that the flat memorial tablets are trimmed once every X months. So I sit and trim away the grass. If there's mud (from the lawn being watered), I pull out my collapsible bucket and find a spigot and wash it off. Then I let it dry. If the light is not right, I pull out my umbrella and shade the stone the right way.

In fairness to the Find A Grave volunteers, you should take down your photo request there and wait and see if anyone on this list picks up the request or any other you list you may have posted it on. Find A Grave gives the volunteer 2 weeks to fulfill the request after it has been claimed. So you could wait 2 weeks after this posting to see if anyone fills it. And once someone agrees to take your picture, you need to tell every list you posted on that the request has been fulfilled so some other volunteer does not go out there to take your photo.

Sorry if this doesn't sound polite. I've been doing the grave photos for a few years now on Find A Grave and have encountered a few people who didn't take down the request and I used my gas, time, and energy just to find out that the request was fulfilled by someone else. Hope you understand.

Cheri Mello
Also a Graver on Find A Grave
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