Here are the results of the little survey I ran last week. I'll probably do
another one in a couple of months.

Many of you use more than one software. For most, it appeared that one was
on your computer and one was in the cloud. For the people who used just one
program only (that lives on your computer), I really hope you are backing
it up on a flash/USB drive or into the cloud on Dropbox or BackBlaze or
Carbonite or something. For those of you who only have it online, such as, you scare me. Yes Ancestry is a big company. They've
also done things with very little warning. And they have been bought a sold
a couple of times. Please have your genealogy somewhere else too. And for
the lone wolf who is using 5 genealogy programs....Aii yii yii!

About 40% use FTM and 35% use Much of this is overlap as you
probably upload your tree every once and a while to Ancestry. About 16% are
on Legacy and 13% are on RootsMagic. This seems to follow the surveys that
other genealogy based entities run. Reunion (a Mac program) had 11%. The
rest were scattered, below 10%.

[image: Inline image 1]

What level of genealogy software user are you? 63% said you are
intermediate. 86% feel that they are intermediate, advanced, or above. Most
of you feel that you really know your way around your genealogy program.

77% know what diacritics are. Yay! (For those in the reading audience who
don't know, diacritics are the letters with the accents and markings on

However, only 26% of you use the diacritics in your genealogy program.

As for the Character Sets (UTF-8, ANSI, ANSEL), 42% had an awareness of
them (it was mentioned a few days before the survey). 34% had no idea what
they were, and 24% knew what they were. It's a way the computer program
codes what you've typed in (letters, punctuation, diacritics).

54% of you have been going genealogy for more than 13 years.

[image: Inline image 2]

For those who do more than one type of Portuguese genealogy (say you
research your Italian side or your American branches), the results were a
little different:
[image: Inline image 3]

Thank you all for doing my survey.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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