Hi James,

Probably not quite the place to post this, but I would love to see the Virgin VIP dashboard outside the browser........ as in on my desktop :-)
It has definitely re-ignited my world of Virgin....
Now back to Pete Tong.

On 28 Feb 2007, at 15:50, James Cridland wrote:

On 2/28/07, Richard P Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is the first that I have seen of this player. Works pretty well in Safari.... but the overall sound compression is absolutely awful. There is no way I could listen to that for pleasure. Even the adverts are "pumping"..... that has to be from your audio source.
Sorry about that.
Within iTunes it is a lot better

Curious. It's the same stream within iTunes and the Flash Player in Safari (our MP3 stream): there should be no difference at all. But - noted. Our processing is under review (as I tire of saying!); and I do think it's a little over-eager on the online feed. It was optimised for 20k mono, not 128k stereo.

On 2/28/07, vijay chopra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Pandora) Anyone know of any technical reasons why we couldn't have a similar UK service? I'm reasonably sure that an established UK player could get the rights.

You'd think so. But the rights (we've looked) are so expensive as to put it completely out of anyone's league. Indeed, last.fm aren't fully-licenced.
Cheers for the feedback so far. Much appreciated.


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