On 05/11/2007, Tim Dobson wrote:
> Tinyurl.com isn't even that good.
> http://tiny.pl gives 4 digit ids to it's links and is shorter.
> Personally I prefer this.
> I once did little bit of research into similar services and found quite a
> few.
> If you are interested, here is the total list
> http://www.goaddr.com/
> http://elfurl.com/
> http://doiop.com/
> http://www.shorl.com/
> http://burl.fergcorp.com/
> http://lnk.in/ <http://lnk.in/index.php>
> http://snipurl.com/
> http://tiny.pl
> http://tinyurl.co.uk        =at the time tinyurl.co.uk was separate from
> tinyurl.com
> http:// tinyurl.com <http://tinyurl.com/>
> http://notlong.com/
> http://makeashorterlink.com/ <http://makeashorterlink.com/index.php>
> http://www.lights.com/weblogs/shorterurls.html
> http://www.shorturl.com/
> http://metamark.net/
> http://www.freecenter.com/redirect.html
> http://www.2url.org/
> http://link.toolbot.com/
> http://enigo.com/shortlink
> This however was about a a year and 9 months ago, so I expect this list
> may have significant ommisions and errors in it, and take no responsibility
> at all for the content at the end of those links.
> Now back on topic, I agree with both, I think the BBC should give "real"
> urls, but have their own, "tinyurl" system as such.
> Much as I really don't like them, I think MSN has a similar thing
> something like :
> http://www.rubbishMSsite.com?go=DFG43
> Of course loads of sites operate these systems, and there are security
> issues regarding them, for instance, letting public use a private one would
> mean that phishing scams could have links to
> http://redirect.ebay.com/34Fg5/ which to many would look real, especially
> if they ended up at 234.453.432.12:8080 and found an EXACT replica of
> ebay's site.
> I think there is some Free Software (as in Freedom for those who don't
> know me), code lying around that lets you do this, which might be
> interesting to look at, and useful to use, to adopt to the BBC's needs.
> Certainly a better choice than what ever Microsoft is offering cheap today.
> -Tim

If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us still
has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now has
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