In terms of fonts, I humbly point you to -
Screenreader compatible. A unique font (really unique - guaranteed
you'll never see this on any other website). Doesn't go near Flash,
which I'm on record as saying is the work of the devil (with the
exception, harrumph, of the lovely iPlayer). Degrades gracefully. Yum.

In terms of the new front page - I love it. I especially like the
people who say "what's the point of the clock", which in this case is
directly analogous to "what's the point of the round corners" - it
looks nice, m'kay? (In actual fact, it says "BBC" almost better than
the BBC logo does).

In terms of Christmas, I wish you a happy one. Sorry I couldn't make
it to the party, but my Eurotunnel train was delayed. But at least I
have lots of european beer for Christmas.
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