
I'm a backuppc newbie and am trying to use backuppc on a Debian Linux host (AMD Athlon 1.4GHz, 256MB) to backup some Linux servers. At the moment I'm just trying to backup the home directory on one Debian Linux PPC server. The home directory is about 40GB. Eventually I'd like to backup the entire PC (ie. all partitions).

I've tried tar/nfs & rsync/ssh but the backup fails.
When using rsync it gets a broken pipe and/or timeout after a couple of days of trying to receive the file list. The home directory contains special files (eg. /home/user/project.1.2.3/dev/null) as we develop a linux filesystem. I was wondering if rsync was barfing on these types of files because trying to read /dev/null would cause it to read for ever.

I assume that backuppc (tar or rsync, etc) is smart enough to not _read_ the contents of special files. Is that correct? My assumption is based on backuppc being able to backup an entire machine including the root filesystem, /dev directory, etc.
Is there something special I have to setup in my config ??

I presume that backing up 40+GB with backuppc is also doable?
Are there any limitations of file size or performance, etc?

Would rsyncd be a better approach?
I can only assume ssh would slow things down and since I'm on a lan behind a firewall I don't really need the security across the lan. Then again I guess peoples data could be sniffed off the network, but unlikely if using switches.

Thanks for any help.

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