On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 19:59 +0200, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit Internet)

> I'll try messing with it some more. Maybe I should indeed just use  
> the user Plesk created instead of the backuppc user.
> > Otherwise, fire up a separate instance of httpd on
> > a different port so you don't have to fight with the other one.
> I heard a lot people give that suggestion, but I haven't been able to  
> find out how to do actually do that. Any pointers (this is a CentOS  
> 4.3 system with apache2)?

First you would build a suitable httpd.conf file setting it to listen
on a different port and being careful about what else it includes to
avoid conflicts with the stock version.  Then you make a link to
the httpd binary with a different name.  Then copy /etc/init.d/httpd
to a file with a different name and edit the copy to reference 
your linked name instead of httpd for the executable, pid file, etc.
and to set '-f new_httpd.conf' in OPTIONS. chkconfig, service etc., will
then all work with your new name for the other instance and when it
starts it will use your modified config file.   But, this is probably
overkill for this purpose unless you need the speed of mod_perl. There
has to be a way to make the stock version do what you want.

  Les Mikesell

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