scartomail wrote:
> Hy Evryone,
> Let say I got this in my rsyncd.conf on my windows box:
> [Foto]
>     path = E:/FOTO
> Is there anyway to add more directory's to the path variable?
It wouldn't make much sense to do that, because multiple paths would 
then need to be "merged" as a single view when requesting files from 
rsyncd.  If you add multiple shares to rsyncd.conf on the client, ie:
    path = E:/FOTO

    path = E:/MORE

    path = C:/OTHERS

Then you can have the BackupPC per-machine config file for this machine 
list multiple shares to connect to and backup. 

> I do know how to do it with more of these "directivs" and edit the 
> *.pl file on the server.
> But I was just wondering if it could be done just by the client.
However, there is another way to do it only on the client...  Search for 
the term 'junction point' and look for the utility from SysInternals 
that will create them for you (some restrictions on file systems and OS 
versions, I think).  This basically allows you to create an empty 
subdirectory in Windows, then make a symbolic link from another 
drive/path to this empty directory.  It's a kind of hacky version of 
symbolic links ala unix.  But it means you can just mount additional 
files and directories inside your existing share without changing 
anything on the server or even the client's rsyncd.conf.  I would be 
careful not to create directory structure loops, or all hell breaks 
loose.  :-)


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