Hi all

can this patch be modified for showing the percentage of cpool space
sorted by host in some kind of stacked graph?

I thing that cound be usefull to know how much of the pool storage is
used by host A and how much by host B and so on. I'm not interested in
the size of the backup for each host, but in the percentage of the cpool
used by each host.

thanks a lot!

On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 09:51 +0100, Ludovic Drolez wrote:
> rOn Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:17:43AM -0700, Kimball Larsen wrote:
> > but the images appear as busted images on the status page.
> (With the patch :-D )
> Hi !
> This new patch should fix this bug. Anyway the graphs will appear
> after "backuppc nightly" has run.
> I've also fixed another problem, which comes from the fact that I assumed 
> that the CGI was index.cgi (only true for Debian users ?).
> Cheers,
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