We use WPKG http://wpkg.org/, which automatically handles, installs, 
updates and removal of software, as well as any other commands for 
creating "shares", running "netsh" commands to set passwords, or add 
software to the Windows firewall, etc.

There are many "Silent Install" working examples as well: 


Adam Goryachev said the following on 04/02/2009 05:04 PM:
> Hash: SHA1
> Chuck Peters wrote:
>> 2009/4/2 Jeffrey J. Kosowsky <backu...@kosowsky.org
>> <mailto:backu...@kosowsky.org>>
>>     In general, your comments in fact have been very helpful in that you
>>     are pointing out details that I didn't realize were non-obvious or
>>     non-standard. For example, I wouldn't have remembered to think
>>     of ssh
>>     server as a requirement. So, feel free to keep sending me
>>     comments and
>>     questions - and I will add them to my comments at the head of the
>>     script.
>> First couple of lines:
>> # Shadowmountrsync
>> # Copyright Jeffrey J. Kosowsky December 2008
>> # Version 0.3.3 (April 2009)
>> Copyright?  By default I think that means Copyright all rights
>> reserved, you aren't legally allowing others to modify and
>> redistribute it.  Since you posted an earlier version to
>> sourceforge, shouldn't it have a GPL version 2 or 3 or something?
>> The subject of the thread is "Fully automated script for creating
>> shadow copies and launching rsyncd."  Perhaps someone could package
>> it like cwrsync and add a GUI configuration to it, then it would be
>> closer to fully automatic installation.  And that brings up the
>> question what might be the best way to create a automatic install
>> and GUI config tool?
> Thhe best solution I've found when I was looking to package something
> in the past is http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page It is a GPL
> software for windows which allows to create a setup.exe which will
> "install" software for you. Very flexible and powerful, though I only
> used the basic features and then gave up due to lack of time.
> Hope that helps
> PS, the downside is you will now distribute a exe file, which is
> harder for people to be sure it isn't malicious (I suppose they could
> still download and install manually the current method though.
> Regards,
> Adam
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iEYEARECAAYFAknVKFIACgkQGyoxogrTyiUukQCgpOamte+UBv6KWXzDQg7qk9Nn
> 72AAn2OGXU2+QVfhzMbIlOz/c9WLmHni
> =GrDA
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