Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> Thanks for the stats on ZIPped MS-SQL db files - that has saved me doing
> some tests!

I believe those stats use rsync -z which you can't do directly in backuppc.

> I will eventually have to backup MS_SQL servers on 31 sites to a number of
> remote locations and so I am currently experimenting with a number of
> strategies.
> At the moment, I am backing up as follows:
> 1) A nightly scheduled batch file runs SQL scripts to dump the tables by
> calling a stored procedure
>     Backups are called backup_tablename_dayofweek.bak (eg:
> backup_testdb_wed.bak)
> 2) The .bak file is renamed to backup_tablename.bak to create a daily
> generic backup file which is synced off-site by BackupPC
> 3) The .bak file is ZIPped to ! (eg:
> ! and this is left in the backup folder as a local copy.
> BackupPC is set to ignore files that start !B* so these files are not copied
> offsite but are kept for a week until overwritten.
> It's not easy to determine actual backup speed and performance yet because
> we have only rolled out the new app on two sites, and the devs are messing
> around with the database schema so a lot of the data in the .bak file is
> changing between backups. During initial testing (when things were not being
> changed so much), a daily sync of a 700MB database was taking around 20-40
> minutes, albeit across an old 512K ADSL (VPN) line with an upload speed of
> 288Kbit/sec. I have just upgraded this to an LLU service that's currently
> running at 5.5Mbit down, 883Kbit up and will be seeing what improvement this
> gives.
> Our 700MB .bak files ZIP down to around 130MB and I was wondering whether it
> would be worth taking this offsite, but it may be that syncing the raw dumps
> may be quicker.

To get the benefit of both compression and rsync you might use rsync over ssh 
with ssh compression enabled.  This can be a problem on windows, but I think 
latest versions work - or you might write the dump to a samba-share on a linux 
box where it always works.  Or, use rsync -z in the script that zips the file 
push a copy local to the backuppc server. Originating rsync over ssh commands 
has always worked on windows - the problem has been accepting them with sshd.

   Les Mikesell

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