Hi Folks,

Lively conversation!!

A while back, someone asked how the SQL backups are being done - here's my

Two batch files, two stored procedures and a few command line tools.

* The stored procedures were written by an unknown person. One makes a dump
of the given database and verifies it, the other can reindex the specified
table (optional)

* Batch file 2 takes in command line variables that define what
database/table should be backed up and to where, it generates the SQL code
'in the fly' to do this and then calls the stored procedure using the
command-line tool SQLCMD.EXE to make a .bak file (which we sync off site).
The batch file then makes a dayofweek-stamped, zipped copy of the backup,
which we just leave as a local copy. If the batch file is called with a
specific parameter, it reindexes the specified table.

* Batch file 1 feeds the parameters into batch file 2 by calling it (like a
subroutine) with the required command line parameters for each table I want
to dump. This approach makes it easy to change what is backed up according
to site/need. This batch file is started nightly by a Windows scheduled

The whole lot makes use of the command line version of 7zip and a public
domain DOS command called WHAT.COM that returns ERRORLEVEL set to 0-6
according to the day of week.

If anyone wants this 'package' let me know and I'll email it across or put
it up somewhere.

For info, with our new ADSL service in place, 500MB of database backups is
syncing in about 20 mins.


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