Michael Stowe wrote:
>> Michael Stowe wrote at about 16:37:36 -0500 on Monday, September 7, 2009:
>>  > If you care to get your technical information from Microsoft rather
>> than
>>  > conjecture, there's considerable detail available here:
>>  >
>>  > http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc966520.aspx
>> If you care to know that Microsoft isn't the only producer of a SQL
>> database for Windows then you would know that Microsoft might not be
>> the only relevant source.
> There's certainly a difference between [Microsoft] SQL Server, which is
> what we're talking about, and "a SQL database," which is not what we're
> talking about.  If we were talking about an Oracle database, calling it
> SQL Server would be inaccurate, at best, and I'd be recommending a
> different backup strategy.

But even for MS SQL server, it seemed to be a version-specific feature 
and not everyone runs the latest version.  Your link also points out 
that a recovery procedure is necessary after a restore.

   Les Mikesell

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