I was trying to get a way to find what files have changed in an incremental
Does any one has a solution for it already?
I've look at /var/lib/backuppc/pc/<host>/backups and to the XferLOG, but i'm
getting nowhere.
I did a manual incremental a few minutes after another, and I get:
> echo -e " n type\tFiles\tExist\tNew\tlevel"; \
awk '{print $1," ",$2,"\t",$5,"\t",$7,"\t",$9,"\t",$21}'
n type Files Exist New level
35 incr 36 27 43 4
Those are the numbers that appears on the GUI. How they relate (or if) with
each other I don't know. (btw, It's a level 4 incremental following a level
But if I count the "create" files on XferLOG.35.z I get *19491* files (15
pool, 11 same, 0 skip, 0 delete).
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.35.z |grep -c "^ create"
Don't know where to go from here.
Really appreciate any help.
EDIT: I look better to the log and its almost all directories
If I exclude directories, I have 10 create (9 regular, 1 p), 15 pool (10
reg, 3 c, 2 l), 11 same. Create files are logs and pid, as expected.
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.31.z |grep "^ create" |grep -v "^
create d"
Did some tests with other log files and it looks reasonable. Although it
don't show what directories were created, its a start. How it relates with
backups file values beats me.
Any one as a better solution, please? Thanks.
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