Luis Paulo wrote:

> I was trying to get a way to find what files have changed in an
> incremental backup.
> Does any one has a solution for it already?
> I've look at /var/lib/backuppc/pc/<host>/backups and to the XferLOG, but
> i'm getting nowhere.
> I did a manual incremental a few minutes after another, and I get:
>> echo -e " n   type\tFiles\tExist\tNew\tlevel"; \
>  awk '{print $1," ",$2,"\t",$5,"\t",$7,"\t",$9,"\t",$21}'
> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/backups
>  n  type    Files    Exist    New    level
> 35   incr      36      27      43      4
> Those are the numbers that appears on the GUI. How they relate (or if)
> with each other I don't know. (btw, It's a level 4 incremental following a
> level 3)
> But if I count the "create" files on XferLOG.35.z I get *19491* files (15
> pool, 11 same, 0 skip, 0 delete).
>> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.35.z |grep -c "^  create"
> Don't know where to go from here.
> Really appreciate any help.
> EDIT: I look better to the log and its almost all directories
> If I exclude directories, I have 10 create (9 regular, 1 p), 15 pool (10
> reg, 3 c, 2 l), 11 same. Create files are logs and pid, as expected.
>> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.31.z |grep "^  create" |grep -v "^
> create d"
> Did some tests with other log files and it looks reasonable. Although it
> don't show what directories were created, its a start. How it relates with
> backups file values beats me.
> Any one as a better solution, please? Thanks.

The count not only including directories but also the files "attrib". One in
each directory.
I believe your counting (19491 Total files, 10 regular files) can't be
correct. Regular files must be an odd number because count of directories
and attrib files must be an even number.

You can do a "ls -R /var/lib/backuppc/pc/<yourhost>/<backupnumber>"

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