I'm not sure I understand you, but maybe this helps:

I'm not counting files. I'm counting lines starting with "  create" in the
backup log
file /var/lib/backuppc/pc/<yourhost>/XferLOG.<backupnumber>.z

> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.35.z |grep -c "^  create"

If I exclude directories, I have 10 create files/lines  (9 regular, 1 p).
The following lists them

> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/portatil/XferLOG.35.z |grep "^  create" |grep -v "^
create d"
  create   644       0/0        1502 dev/.udev/queue.bin
  create   644       0/0       46141
  create   644       0/0        2730 var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.br0.leases
  create   644       0/0       10518 var/log/ConsoleKit/history
  create   640     101/4       36033 var/log/auth.log
  create   640     101/4      165433 var/log/daemon.log
  create   640     101/4       10134 var/log/syslog
  create   600       0/0        1310 var/run/ConsoleKit/database
  create   644       0/0         486 var/run/motd
  create p 600   101/103           0 var/run/rsyslog/kmsg

Thank you

> The count not only including directories but also the files "attrib". One
> in
> each directory.
> I believe your counting (19491 Total files, 10 regular files) can't be
> correct. Regular files must be an odd number because count of directories
> and attrib files must be an even number.
> You can do a "ls -R /var/lib/backuppc/pc/<yourhost>/<backupnumber>"
> br
> Matthias
> --
> Don't Panic
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