Timothy J Massey wrote at about 11:52:35 -0400 on Thursday, October 31, 2013:
 > "Craig O'Brien" <cobr...@fishman.com> wrote on 10/31/2013 08:49:15 AM:
 > Just out of curiosity, why hadn't you already done that?!?
 > > Unable to read 8388608 bytes from /var/lib/BackupPC//pc/
 > > myfileserver/new//ffileshare/RStmp got=0, seekPosn=1501757440 (0,
 > > 512,147872,1499463680,2422719488)
 > Interesting.  I'd make sure that the filesystem is OK before I went much 
 > farther...  Stop BackupPC, unmount /backup and fsck /dev/<whatever>

Or could be an NFS type error...

 > > du -hs /backup/pool /backup/cpool /backup/pc/myfileserver/* 
 > > 
 > > to see which backups are doing the most damage. I'll report back 
 > > once that finishes.
 > With that, you should be able to find the bakup number(s) that are not 
 > linked.  You can delete them and free up space.

Or you could relink the backups to the pool if you want to preserve
the old backups...

 > The big question is, though, why they aren't linking.  I'd really start at 
 > the bottom of the stack (the physical drives) and work your way up.  Check 
 > dmesg for any hardware errors.  fsck the filesystem.  Did I read correctly 
 > that this is connected vis NFSv4?  I sure hope not...  (I'm willing to 
 > admit it's a phobia, but there's no *WAY* I would trust my backup to work 
 > across NFS...)
Well I have been using NFS on a NAS for 7 years without
problems... but I probably wouldn't use it in a production, commercial

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