On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de> wrote:
>> Also note that at least for *rsync backups* files will be hardlinked to
>> identical copies in previous backups even if pooling isn't working.
> Since you have just written that you are, in fact, using rsync, I should add
> that this will make recovery more difficult, since unchanged files will
> continue to be just linked to the version in the reference backup. This file
> should normally already be linked to the pool, and BackupPC makes no further
> effort to check and fix that.
> This means that if you delete all but a few recent backups after fixing the
> root cause of the problem, only newly changed files will be added to the pool,
> while unchanged files will remain outside the pool. This may or may not be a
> problem for you. If it is, you will need to fix pooling for (some) existing
> backups, which is Hard(tm) (i.e. costly in terms of CPU power).

If you can free up some space to work, you could try renaming the
pc/host directories one at a time to hold a copy that you could access
in an emergency and let it start over with a fresh full run where all
files would be new and linked to the pool.  Once you have sufficient
history in the new tree, you can delete the old one that you renamed.
This should eventually clean things up as long as you don't continue
to have link errors.   Alternatively, if you don't need more than the
last backup for one or more targets, you could archive it with the
archive host setup or running Backuppc_tarCreate on to some other
media, delete the host and add it back to get a clean start.

   Les Mikesell

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