Les Mikesell wrote at about 10:15:42 -0500 on Thursday, October 31, 2013:
 > On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Craig O'Brien <cobr...@fishman.com> wrote:
 > >> What is the underlying storage here - nfs?
 > >
 > > Local SATA disks in a RAID 5 (5 disks, 3TB each in capacity)
 > I think I'd force an fsck just on general principles even though it
 > will take a long time to complete.   Google turns up a few hits on
 > similar problems, but I don't see a definitive answer.   RStmp is
 > supposed to be used to hold an uncompressed copy of the previous
 > version of a large file with changes so rsync can seek to match up the
 > changed block positions, so this error probably has something to do
 > with your compressed copy being corrupted and not uncompressing
 > properly.

And this would explain why the elements are not being linked properly
to the pool -- though I would have thought the more likely result
would be a duplicate pool entry than an unlinked pool entry...

It might be interesting to look for pool chains with the same
(uncompressed) content and with links < HardLinkMax (typically 31999)
to see if pool entries are being unnecessarily duplicated.

(cd /var/lib/BackupPC/cpool; find . -type f -links -3198 -name "*_*"
-exec md5sum {} \;) | sort | uniq -d -w32

Note this will find if there are any unnecessarily duplicated pool
chains (beyond the base one). Note to keep it fast and simple I am
skipping the elements without a suffix... with the assumption being
that if there are duplicated elements then there will probably be
whole chains of them...

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