2016-01-12 1:08 GMT+01:00 Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com>:
> That seems wrong - (maybe, depending on the counts you are configured
> to save).  But I thought in your first posting you said you had a
> 'partial'.  Those would be discarded when a better one completes.
> And one of your log entries mentioned a fatal error.

This is the BPC log for my first server (the one that actually is in
very very very slow copying phase from #2 to #1)

2016-01-08 19:26:48 Created directory /var/backups/backuppc/pc/x/refCnt
2016-01-08 19:26:48 full backup started for directory full
2016-01-09 21:07:03 full backup 0 complete, 4181687 files, 4181687
bytes, 1 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 1 other)
2016-01-10 00:21:40 Aborting backup up after signal INT
2016-01-10 08:10:48 incr backup started for directory full
2016-01-10 10:27:51 Got fatal error during xfer (rsync_bpc exited with
benign status 24 (6144))
2016-01-10 19:23:47 full backup started for directory full
2016-01-11 18:16:02 full backup 1 complete, 4090748 files, 4090748
bytes, 24 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 24 other)

First full dump was completed at 2016-01-09 21:07:03
A new incremental was started at 2016-01-10 08:10:48
This incremental was aborted due to an error 24. This should never
abort a backup, error 24 is benign and could happen in each backup if
spool files and dir are backupped (like php session files)

But, why on 2016-01-10 19:23:47 a new full was started? It should
start a new incremental. By the way, this new full lasted for 23 hours
as you can see.... (bytes counter is wrong, I don't have 4090748 bytes
but almost 150GB)

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