2016-01-12 2:19 GMT+01:00 Adam Goryachev <mailingli...@websitemanagers.com.au>:
> Please don't trim so much, it is very useful to still keep the original
> log that is being discussed.

I've not trimmed at all.

> I would strongly suggest that something has happened here which could be
> explained by trying lots of random things when trying to get it working.
> I'd probably suggest to stop BPC, delete the pc/server1 directory, and
> then start BPC, and re-run the first/initial backup. It might be quicker
> than the real first backup since a lot of the files will still be in the
> pool.

Ok, i'll try after adding more ram.

> Yes, the error log or the xferlog. It should only contain
> filenames/directory names, hopefully that is not so sensitive data? At
> best, it should contain a lot more detail from any errors encountered.
> We don't need (or want) the full log, that could be 100's of MB, but a
> reasonable snippet to clearly show what was happening before/after the
> relevant errors. At least the first 20 lines and last 20 lines are
> usually reasonably useful.

Are sensitive data bacause i'm backupping some file/folder in format:

"username@host" so I can't show that on a public mailing list.

> Skipping lines that are blank/commented is usually a good idea. Both the
> global config and the host specific config would be useful. Obviously,
> obfuscate username/password/etc as needed, but the more you edit the
> file the harder it can be to work out what you have obfuscated. eg, it
> can be better to change the username jamesw to malcom rather than
> changing it to x.

I've posted the whole config, not trimmed at all.
I don't have host specific config except for a single line with rsync password.
What I've posted is *exactly* what i'm using, no trim or customization was made
except replacing server hostname with 'srv1', 'srv2' and so on and
users with 'x'

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