Not a real answer to your question on instructing BPC to ignore „file has 
vanished errors“ but I have two suggestions on avoiding this error:

- You can exclude the directories with the often altered PHP files. For me this 
sounds like a machine of a WEB developer constantly editing PHP files. In this 
case the source is probably already „backed up“ by a versioning control system 
(git, mercurial, whatever…)
- You can use snapshots, whether they are LVM based or even easier ZFS based. 
You can create and remove the snapshots with SSH commands in your PRE and POST 
backup scripts for the client.

The error comes from RSYNC itself I think. I don’t think there is an option for 
rsync to ignore these „vanished files“ errors. And honestly I don’t even think 
it’s a good idea to ignore them. 

> Am 12.01.2016 um 11:48 schrieb Gandalf Corvotempesta 
> <>:
> Would be possible to instruct BPC to ignore "file has vanished" errors
> (error code 24) ?
> I'm backingup many clients that has tons of volatile file: php
> sessions, maildirs used by imap, where each file is renamed according
> to imap flags or moved in imap folders and so on.
> Every time i make a backup, many files are vanishing, this is
> absolutely normal but BPS mark this as an error (even rsync mark this
> as benign error)
> Would be possible to ignore this and mark backup as finished properly ?

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