2016-01-31 10:01 GMT+01:00 Gandalf Corvotempesta
> I have some updates.
> Now seems to working properly, no more deleted backups. I have #1, #3,
> #4 ...... #8
> So, the only missing backups are #0 and #2
> #1 and #3 are both incremental unfilled, #4 is a filled full and from
> #5 to #7 are incremental unfilled.
> #8 (today) is incremental unfilled as it's the last backup.

Still doesn't work.
Every time BPC is removing a filled backup, the *whole* backup is
removed, thus i'm still having
many unavailable backup points. For example, now i'm missing #0, #2,
#4, #8, #12, #15

As i'm backing up once a day, having 6 unavailable backups meas that I
have 6 days unavailable for restore.

I've tried to change full backup mins and full backup counts in almost
every possible combinations, nothing change,
simply, it doesn't work.

What I' would like to archieve is 1 full every 15 days, 1 incremental
every other days, keeping 2 fulls and 30 incrementals
for example:

1 full on February 1, many incrementals from February 2 to February
14, 1 full on February 15, many incrementals from February 16 up to
February 29

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