On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:

> As wrote many, many, many, many times before: IT DOESN'T WORK.

I don't think shouting will enamor anyone for you or your plight. Neither 
will repeating the same complaint ad infinitum.

> I'm trying any possible combination with settings trying to get at
> least 1 backup per day
> but is impossible, every time BPC starts a new full backup (and is
> running a full every time),
> the older one is removed, thus i'm loosing days.

I'm reminded of ESR's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way," here.

It's apparent that no one else that's using bpc v4 seems to be having this 
problem. Nevertheless, it's alpha code; it's possible you've found an 
edge-case or other bug. Congratulations!

Might I suggest you do some diagnosis? You're more likely to receive help 
if you can at least report the *exact* conditions which lead to the bug 
(and the conditions that don't). Better, if you add some debugging and find 
the bug, report those details. Best, fix it if your coding talents allow.

I wish I had time to replicate your problem and locate your bug. But I 
don't. However if I were in your shoes, I'd probably begin by downloading a 
copy of the code and checking it into my favorite revision control system. 
Then install a server and one or more client instances with some easily 
trackable, changing data -- maybe a couple of cron jobs to 
create/append/delete a few tiny files every few minutes. These machines 
could be VMs, possibly docker instances, etc. Whatever you're familiar with 
and works for you.

Then configure a very short backup period for the clients, an hourly wake 
interval with no black periods, etc. and observe. Change variables *one at 
a time* to see what behavior changes. Add some debugging to the BackupPC 
code at likely critical points. Lather, rinse, repeat. Periodically check 
your changes back into your git/subversion/whatever repo so you can 
backtrack and/or compare if needed.

I'll wager that you'll have a better understanding of the relevant issues 
with a total investment of only 2-4 hours of your time (maybe 24-48 hours 
of wall time).

Just my $0.02.

Best of luck,

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