Hi list,

i'm trying to get my Seagate STT20000A IDE Travan Tapedrive to work with
bacula-1.36.3 with no success. I think this should be possible, but i
can't figure out the right parameters for this drive.

I tried both the native ide-tape driver and the ide-scsi/st drivers for
this tape.

When using the ide-tape driver, the first test from btapes test command
works fine (writing 1000 records, EOF, 1000 recs, EOF, verify). But the
second one, gives me io errors when positioning the tape. Kernel log
shows me a MTIO command 24 not supportet error, which isn't supported by
the native ide-tape driver, as mentioned in the drivers sources. Even
the Block Positioning = no directive doesn't help here.

When using the ide-scsi/st drivers, it seems btape writes the data
correctly to the tape, but can't verify them, with >>Wanted ID: "BB02",
got ""<< error message. So this would be a blocksize problem as
mentioned in the manual. But i can't find the right settings for this.

tapeinfo gives me a blocksize of 576, mt status a blocksize of 512 and
the ide-scsi driver reports fixed bufsize 32768. The first value as min
and max blocksize doesn't work. Using this value gives me io errors even
when writing data. Using 32768 as the fixed blocksize gives another
Wanted ID: "BB02" ... error.
With 512 as the blocksize, btape seems to write the data correctly, but
fails to verify them with
btape: btape.c:811 Rewind OK.
1000 blocks re-read correctly.
btape: btape.c:836 Bad data in record. Expected 1001, got 1000 at byte
0. Test failed!
Changing some of the other Options also doesnt't help.

Maybe someone got such a drive working with bacula and can post me the
right config section.

Buying a new DLT or DAT drive is no option, as i have this drive with
several tapes. The capacity is sufficient for my home office, and new
drives and tapes are too expensive for the moment.

Thanks in advance for any help,
Sascha Jopen

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