
You failed to mention which version of Bacula you are running.

However this is a known bug with some of the earlier 2.x versions of 
Bacula. I believe it was fixed in either 2.0.3 or 2.0.4.

Basically, the problem is *when* the verify job chooses the last 
successful backup to verify. With the bugged versions, it makes this 
choice at it's scheduled start time, which is before the running job has 
successfully finished. It therefore picks the previous days backup to verify

The non-bugged (unbugged?) versions wait until the verify job actually 
starts running before deciding which backup to run.

The fix: Either install the latest version of Bacula, or schedule your 
verify to run after the backup has completed.

I got around it by having an Admin job scheduled to run that runs a 
script that triggers the verify. Using priorities I ensure the admin job 
doesn't run until after the backup has completed, so the the verify job 
is able to select it properly. Hope this makes sense!

Here's a relevent snippet from my conf:


Job {
   Name               = "TriggerVer-fs1"
   Type               = Admin
   Client             = backup1-fd
   Priority           = 14
   Schedule           = "TriggerVerifyAfterBackup"
   JobDefs            = "DefaultJob"
   RunScript {
     RunsWhen = After
     RunsOnFailure = Yes
     RunsOnClient = no
     Command = "/etc/bacula/trigger_verify Verify-fs1"


Schedule {
   Name = "TriggerVerifyAfterBackup"
   Run  = Sat-Fri at 23:15


[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# cat trigger_verify
# Triggers a verify job.
# Run from a suitable scheduled Admin job, this script will trigger the 
# verify job.


/usr/sbin/bconsole -s -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf <<EOCMDS
gui off
@# Launching job $JOB
run $JOB yes




Bradley Schatz wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a verify run after my backup run. The backup runs successfully,
> as does the subsequent catalog backup, but then the verify job then
> wants the next prior backup job.
> For example, if I had a successful backup on Monday, to volume Monday,
> and I again have a successful backup on Tuesday to volume Tuesday, the
> following verify run then blocks looking for the Monday volume.
> Relevant configs below. Ideas?
> Thanks,
> Bradley
> Job {
>   Name = "NightlySaveFoundry"
>   JobDefs = "Common"
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Full
>   Client = foundry-fd
>   FileSet = "Foundry Full"
>   Schedule = "NightlySaveFoundry"
>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/foundry.bsr"
>   Priority = 10
>   }
> Job {
>   Name = "BackupCatalog"
>   Type = Backup
>   JobDefs = "Common"
>   Level = Full
>   FileSet="Catalog"
>   Client = foundry-fd
>   Schedule = "NightlySaveCatalog"
>   RunBeforeJob = "/etc/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula "
>   RunAfterJob  = "/etc/delete_catalog_backup"
>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
>   Priority = 13
>   }
> Job {
>   Name = "VerifyFoundry"
>   JobDefs = "Common"
>   FileSet = "Foundry Full"
>   Type = Verify
>   Level = VolumeToCatalog
>   Verify Job = "NightlySaveFoundry"
>   Client = foundry-fd
>   Priority = 14
>   Schedule="VerifyFoundry"
> }
> Status of director:
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
>                Admin      1  20-Jun-07 22:30    InjectTape
> Full           Backup    10  20-Jun-07 23:30    NightlySaveFoundry Weekly01
> Full           Backup    11  20-Jun-07 23:30    NightlySaveTrigger Weekly01
> Full           Backup    13  20-Jun-07 23:30    BackupCatalog      Weekly01
> VolumeToCatalog Verify    14  20-Jun-07 23:30    VerifyFoundry
> VolumeToCatalog Verify    15  20-Jun-07 23:30    VerifyTrigger
>                Admin     17  20-Jun-07 23:30    EjectTape
>                Admin      1  21-Jun-07 08:30    RequestTape
> ====
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