Aah. So did forget to mention it. I'm running 2.0.3.

I cant seem to see 2.0.4 on sourceforge - are you referring to CVS head?



On 6/20/07, Troy Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> You failed to mention which version of Bacula you are running.
> However this is a known bug with some of the earlier 2.x versions of
> Bacula. I believe it was fixed in either 2.0.3 or 2.0.4.
> Basically, the problem is *when* the verify job chooses the last
> successful backup to verify. With the bugged versions, it makes this
> choice at it's scheduled start time, which is before the running job has
> successfully finished. It therefore picks the previous days backup to verify
> The non-bugged (unbugged?) versions wait until the verify job actually
> starts running before deciding which backup to run.
> The fix: Either install the latest version of Bacula, or schedule your
> verify to run after the backup has completed.
> I got around it by having an Admin job scheduled to run that runs a
> script that triggers the verify. Using priorities I ensure the admin job
> doesn't run until after the backup has completed, so the the verify job
> is able to select it properly. Hope this makes sense!
> Here's a relevent snippet from my conf:
> ===============
> bacula-dir.conf
> ===============
> Job {
>    Name               = "TriggerVer-fs1"
>    Type               = Admin
>    Client             = backup1-fd
>    Priority           = 14
>    Schedule           = "TriggerVerifyAfterBackup"
>    JobDefs            = "DefaultJob"
>    RunScript {
>      RunsWhen = After
>      RunsOnFailure = Yes
>      RunsOnClient = no
>      Command = "/etc/bacula/trigger_verify Verify-fs1"
>    }
> }
> Schedule {
>    Name = "TriggerVerifyAfterBackup"
>    Run  = Sat-Fri at 23:15
> }
> ==============
> trigger_verify
> ==============
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# cat trigger_verify
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # Triggers a verify job.
> # Run from a suitable scheduled Admin job, this script will trigger the
> passed
> # verify job.
> #
> JOB="$1"
> /usr/sbin/bconsole -s -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf <<EOCMDS
> gui off
> @#
> @# Launching job $JOB
> @#
> run $JOB yes
> =============
> Cheers,
> Troy.
> Bradley Schatz wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a verify run after my backup run. The backup runs successfully,
> > as does the subsequent catalog backup, but then the verify job then
> > wants the next prior backup job.
> >
> > For example, if I had a successful backup on Monday, to volume Monday,
> > and I again have a successful backup on Tuesday to volume Tuesday, the
> > following verify run then blocks looking for the Monday volume.
> >
> > Relevant configs below. Ideas?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bradley
> >
> > Job {
> >   Name = "NightlySaveFoundry"
> >   JobDefs = "Common"
> >   Type = Backup
> >   Level = Full
> >   Client = foundry-fd
> >   FileSet = "Foundry Full"
> >   Schedule = "NightlySaveFoundry"
> >   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/foundry.bsr"
> >   Priority = 10
> >   }
> >
> > Job {
> >   Name = "BackupCatalog"
> >   Type = Backup
> >   JobDefs = "Common"
> >   Level = Full
> >   FileSet="Catalog"
> >   Client = foundry-fd
> >   Schedule = "NightlySaveCatalog"
> >   RunBeforeJob = "/etc/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula "
> >   RunAfterJob  = "/etc/delete_catalog_backup"
> >   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
> >   Priority = 13
> >   }
> >
> > Job {
> >   Name = "VerifyFoundry"
> >   JobDefs = "Common"
> >   FileSet = "Foundry Full"
> >   Type = Verify
> >   Level = VolumeToCatalog
> >   Verify Job = "NightlySaveFoundry"
> >   Client = foundry-fd
> >   Priority = 14
> >   Schedule="VerifyFoundry"
> > }
> >
> > Status of director:
> > Scheduled Jobs:
> > Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> > ===================================================================================
> >                Admin      1  20-Jun-07 22:30    InjectTape
> > Full           Backup    10  20-Jun-07 23:30    NightlySaveFoundry Weekly01
> > Full           Backup    11  20-Jun-07 23:30    NightlySaveTrigger Weekly01
> > Full           Backup    13  20-Jun-07 23:30    BackupCatalog      Weekly01
> > VolumeToCatalog Verify    14  20-Jun-07 23:30    VerifyFoundry
> > VolumeToCatalog Verify    15  20-Jun-07 23:30    VerifyTrigger
> >                Admin     17  20-Jun-07 23:30    EjectTape
> >                Admin      1  21-Jun-07 08:30    RequestTape
> > ====
> >
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