
29.08.2007 17:41,, Richard White wrote::
> Bacula 2.2.0 on SLES 10 into an Ecrix 1x10 autochanger.
> I have some tapes from both the Daily pool (for differential
> backups) and the Weekend pool (for full backups) in the
> autochanger. Some scheduled Daily jobs run and the tape in the
> drive is from the Daily pool. One job wants to run Full because it
> has not run before, so Bacula prompts me to load a tape from the
> Weekend pool. I had thought that, since Bacula knows that there are
> some tapes from that pool in the autchanger, it would automatically
> unmount the Daily tape and mount one of the Weekend tapes and
> proceed without my intervention. Have I been laboring under a
> misconception?

Not exactly, though, at a customer installation, I encounter a similar 
problem. Currently, for different reasons, I have not investigated 
further, but I think there might be a problem in Bacula...

That installation will be upgraded to 2.2 in the near future, and then 
it's time for me to investigate this.

As of now, if, before you start a job, there are usable volumes from 
the pool needed in the autochanger, but Bacula insists on using 
volumes not loaded, I'd say you found a bug.

My current work-around is to set all volumes from the pool to 
"enabled=no", manually load a usable volume to the drive, set this 
volume alone to "enabled=yes", and mount the storage device again. 
After a few mounts, Bacula used the volume available and things 
continued as they should, but YMMV etc.


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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