Hello, I have this set up(simplified)
[External server]---->Firewall/Nat----->Internet-->Firewall/NAT-->Bacula
Let's say the external server I want to back up has a public ip of, and the Firewall/NAT that lies on the internal network 
of Bacula has the ip, and bacula has the internal ip, by bacula I mean the director, storage daemon, and a file 
daemon as well.
Now, I've configured this storage on the bacula-dir.conf of the Bacula 
Storage {
  Name = PublicTest
  Address =
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "rHdomafNas1GeiHAYqsHAr1axgMthcKtTh3elwpDEBRw"
  Device = Weekly
  Media Type = File

As well as this one:

Storage {
  Name = FileWeekly
  Address =                
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "rHdomafNas1GeiHAYqsHAr1axgMthcKtTh3elwpDEBRw"
  Device = Weekly
  Media Type = File

Now, since I can go into the bacula console, and connect to the client, 
show it's status, and make an estimate of the backup I'll make normally, 
I think that the job and pool are configured correctly, as well as (at 
least part of) the firewall.
If I run, the backup job, with the PublicTest, or FileWeekly storage, I 
allways get this connection timeout error:

17-Oct 15:53 behemot-dir JobId 153: Warning: bsock.c:123 Could not 
connect to Storage daemon on ERR=Connection timed 

Since other jobs do run normally(when they are in the internal network) 
I'm getting a little confused here. Tcpdump shows this, when I try to use 
the PublicTest storage:

[External Server]
14:56:35.956696 IP > . ack 677 win 
1984 <nop,nop,timestamp 1116655584 107627403>

15:27:24.892811 IP > S 
3206713682:3206713682(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 107913615 
0,nop,wscale 7>
(keeps repeating the same request, there's no ack returning) is the internal IP of the External Server.
The strange thing, is that it shows just this, for all the connections 
using PublicTest storage, but if I use the FileWeekly, it shows all the 
connections, sending requests, connecting, getting the answers back, etc, 
but when it tryes to connect to the storage...

[External Server]
14:54:11.742070 IP > S 
1535168577:1535168577(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 1116511348 
0,nop,wscale 2>

Which of course would never work, since it's trying to connect to an 
internal ip that does not exist...
I'm getting crazy over this, can someone please help me?

Thanks a lot


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