On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 14:01:38 -0400, Dan Langille wrote:

> On 17 Oct 2007 at 17:47, Mateus Interciso wrote:
>> Hello, I have this set up(simplified) [External
>> server]---->Firewall/Nat----->Internet-->Firewall/NAT-->Bacula Let's
>> say the external server I want to back up has a public ip of
>>, and the Firewall/NAT that lies on the internal network
>> of Bacula has the ip, and bacula has the internal ip
>>, by bacula I mean the director, storage daemon, and a file
>> daemon as well.
>> Now, I've configured this storage on the bacula-dir.conf of the Bacula
>> server:
>> Storage {
>>   Name = PublicTest
>>   Address =
>>   SDPort = 9103
>>   Password = "rHdomafNas1GeiHAYqsHAr1axgMthcKtTh3elwpDEBRw" Device =
>>   Weekly
>>   Media Type = File
>> }
> This is the Storage destination you need to specify for all jobs on any
> clients outside the firewall.
>> As well as this one:
>> Storage {
>>   Name = FileWeekly
>>   Address =
>>   SDPort = 9103
>>   Password = "rHdomafNas1GeiHAYqsHAr1axgMthcKtTh3elwpDEBRw" Device =
>>   Weekly
>>   Media Type = File
>> }
> The above is only for jobs run on clients inside the firewall.
>> Now, since I can go into the bacula console, and connect to the client,
>> show it's status, and make an estimate of the backup I'll make
>> normally, I think that the job and pool are configured correctly, as
>> well as (at least part of) the firewall.
> No.  It means comms between the Director and the Client are working. The
> estimate command does not interact with the Storage Daemon.
>> If I run, the backup job, with the PublicTest, or FileWeekly storage, I
>> allways get this connection timeout error:
>> 17-Oct 15:53 behemot-dir JobId 153: Warning: bsock.c:123 Could not
>> connect to Storage daemon on ERR=Connection timed
>> out
> I suspect the IP address changes depending on which storage you specify.
> The problem is the outside client cannot contact the Storage Daemon.
>> Since other jobs do run normally(when they are in the internal network)
>> I'm getting a little confused here. Tcpdump shows this, when I try to
>> use the PublicTest storage:
>> [External Server]
>> 14:56:35.956696 IP > . ack 677
>> win 1984 <nop,nop,timestamp 1116655584 107627403>
>> [Firewall]
>> 15:27:24.892811 IP > S
>> 3206713682:3206713682(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 107913615
>> 0,nop,wscale 7>
>> (keeps repeating the same request, there's no ack returning)
>> is the internal IP of the External Server. The strange thing,
>> is that it shows just this, for all the connections using PublicTest
>> storage, but if I use the FileWeekly, it shows all the connections,
>> sending requests, connecting, getting the answers back, etc, but when
>> it tryes to connect to the storage...
>> [External Server]
>> 14:54:11.742070 IP > S
>> 1535168577:1535168577(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 1116511348
>> 0,nop,wscale 2>
>> Which of course would never work, since it's trying to connect to an
>> internal ip that does not exist...
>> I'm getting crazy over this, can someone please help me?
> I'm having trouble folllowing it myself.  :)
> Ensure that you can connect to the SD from the outside FD.  Here is my
> test on my setup:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] $ telnet bacula.example.org 9103 Trying [public IP
> address removed]... Connected to bacula.example.org.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> blah
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> In this case, supernews is the remote client.
> Try a similar test.  Report back.
>> Thanks a lot
>> Mateus
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Yes, this is possible... :(

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