On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Ryan Novosielski wrote:

> Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:20:26 -0500 (EST), Steve Thompson said:
>>> In the output of commands such as 'list jobs', is it possible to configure
>>> bacula to display numeric quantities as digits alone (no commas)? I really
>>> find this difficult to read.
>> I don't think it is possible, except by editing the code.  I find it annoying
>> too, especially for jobids, because it prevents easy copy/paste to other
>> bconsole commands and searching in logs.
> I'd want to see it fixed in jobids, but not other places. It makes
> totals actually MORE readable (though I realize internationally, that
> might be subjective).

This may well depend a lot on the individual. Certainly the JobId field 
needs to be displayed without commas in all situations; it is too hard to 
cut and past and too easy to make a mistake otherwise. For other fields, 
such as JobBytes, I find something like "52,610,802,628" harder to read, 
and would prefer it without commas. But I would really prefer that to be 
"52.610 GB" or (better) "48.997 GiB".

> I suspect it is a very easy change to make though, if one would want to.
> I'm not sure how the tables are generated in bconsole.

It looks like a dump of what is returned from the database server, 
without any interpretation by bconsole.


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