> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:17:05 -0500
> In the message dated: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:12:38 EST,
> The pithy ruminations from Bob Hetzel on 
> <[Bacula-users] Update slots causes bacula console to prompt for drive, etc?> 
> w
> ere:
> => I just noticed this oddity.  Perhaps it's how I've got bacula 
> And which version of bacula would that be?

2.2.8 for both director and sd

> => configured, but it otherwise seems to work properly.  I've got an 
> => autochanger with 72 slots and two tape drives.  I just added some new 
> => tapes in and did the following...
> => 
> => *update slots
> => Automatically selected Storage: Dell-PV136T
> => Enter autochanger drive[0]: 0
> => Connecting to Storage daemon Dell-PV136T at gyrus:9103 ...
> => 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
> => Device "Dell-PV136T" has 0 slots.
> => No slots in changer to scan.
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I often see this if I do something like add/remove/move tapes outside of 
> bacula, using mtx or the front-panel controls of the tape drive. The only 
> reliable way to address the tape drive after this is to restart bacula.

Yup.  I in fact did take the library offline to add tapes.  Has anybody 
found a method of tape rotation in and out of the library that doesn't 
involve shutting bacula down?  This is kind of a big deal as most backup.

> => *update slots
> => Automatically selected Storage: Dell-PV136T
> I've got a PV132T.
> => Enter autochanger drive[0]: 1
> Does bacula in fact honor the request to use slot 1? In my case (still 
> running 
> 1.38.11), bacula uses drive 0 regardless of the specification. I believe this 
> has been fixed in later versions.

Yes that does seem to work in my 2.2.8

>       [SNIP!]
> => So I'm wondering if it's an odd config I've got (or should have) or 
> => whatnot when the following happen...
> => 
> => 1) bacula asks the user for a drive when you issue the update slots 
> command.
> Yes, that's normal (depending on the bacula version).
> => 2) bacula needs an empty drive to query the changer for tape volumes 
> => (even though since I'm using barcodes it gets that info without using 
> => the drive).
> Yes, that's normal (depending on the bacula version).
> => 3) the bconsole command "list volumes" doesn't show this new volume even 
> => after it throws up a message noting that it's not in the catalog.
> It sounds like you're not using the configuration option to automatically add 
> new & unknown volumes to the catalog.

I can't seem to find that option.

> => 4) Is there an auto label command or config setting so I can just have 
> => it auto detect new barcoded volumes and then label them and put them in 
> => the catalog?
> Yes.

Can anybody add detail on that?

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