Alan Brown wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Dec 2008, Brian Debelius wrote:
>> John Drescher wrote:
>>> In linux, I find this to be completely wrong. I have 15TB of software
>>> raid 6 and the most load that it puts on the cpu is around 7% and
>>> these are raid arrays that net over 200MB/s writes on single core
>>> systems that are 3 or so years old.
>> So what do you think a reasonable cpu for bacula would be?
> I'm running spooling on a 4 drive software raid0 quite happily on a 4Gb
> 3GHz P4D machine. The limiting factors are disk head seek time(*) when
> running concurrent backups to 2 LTO2 drives and available SATA ports.
> Because of that I'm considering dropping in solid state disks.

I still have got to see a reasonable priced SSD' disk that can deliver 
around 100MB/s both ways at the same time.

I have beefed up my director with sufficient amount of memory and 
mounted it as a "ramdisk" for spooling. That doesn't impose any 
limitations on the 2 LTO3 drives attached.

And spooling doesnt need any form for persistence, so its fine that its 
gone after reboot.


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