On Thu, 18 Dec 2008, Jesper Krogh wrote:

> > I'm multiplexing anything up to 20 jobs at a time. To ensure that small
> > incremental and diff jobs are dumped in one hit and to ensure that full
> > backups are laid in as large chunks as possible, this is the kindof size
> > which is required.
> Are you having that many clients or is it actually larger volumes that have
> been split up in smaller filesets?

Mostly larger volumes broken into 1Tb filesets. There are about 150
desktop boxes being backed up but their load is minor.

> Yes, I use spooling even for our +2TB volumes.

I hope you've benchmarked restore times. Between the sheer volume of data
and the possibilities of several million files, we settled on 1Tb as a
workable unit for current technology and even that's had trouble when
restoring some filesystems (10 million file restores make Bacula-dir

> > 250Tb startup, 1Pb within 18 months, and growing past that. Filesizes
> > measured in tens of Mb apiece.
> Still over Gigabit netwok or do you have better infrastructure?

Right now the links are Gb, with some LACP overlaying being done, but as
this larger fileset comes online most stuff will be moved to 8Gb/s fibre
(IP over F/O) and 10Gb/s ethernet. Prices on this gear (especially
switches!) are falling fast so it makes sense to not deploy until actually

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