Hi, Ralf.

On Sunday, 13 June 2010 09:59:36 +0200,
Ralf Gross wrote:

> > Now that I see, this has nothing to do with the tape drive:
> > 
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > backup:~# smartctl -i /dev/sda
> > smartctl version 5.38 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce
> > Allen
> > Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
> > 
> > Model Family:     Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 family
> > Device Model:     ST3160211AS
> > Serial Number:    6PT56S0F
> > Firmware Version: 3.AAE
> > User Capacity:    160,041,885,696 bytes
> > Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
> > ATA Version is:   7
> > ATA Standard is:  Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated
> > Local Time is:    Sat Jun 12 14:49:31 2010 ART
> > SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
> > SMART support is: Disabled
> > 
> > SMART Disabled. Use option -s with argument 'on' to enable it.
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > It is the SATA disk, so this is consistent with that I didn't find
> > the special file for the tape drive. Also, if it were the tape
> > drive, type should be 'Sequential-Access'.

> What does lsscsi show? Anything about the tape drive / changer  in
> dmesg?

I had not tried it, but I obtain something consistent to the mentioned
one above:

backup:/boot# lsscsi
[3:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST3160211AS      3.AA  /dev/sda

Apparently neither tape drive nor changer is being detected.

I know that SAS disks are seen as SCSI devices (sd*), but external SAS
devices are also seen as SCSI devices? Independent of it, is always the
name of the special file of device /dev/[n]st* for the tape drive and
/dev/sg* for changer?

All these results presented are with Linux 2.6.26-2 from Debian
repositories. Responding to what has been said by James Harper, this
kernel has the CONFIG_CISS_SCSI_TAPE=y option.

Thanks for your reply.

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