On Wednesday 2016-10-19 06:41:53 Roberts, Ben wrote:
> The documentation is outdated and this limit was removed (or perhaps
> vastly increased?) somewhere around the 7 mark. I’ve had jobs running a
> lot longer since upgrading.
> In branch-5.2:
> http://www.bacula.org/git/cgit.cgi/bacula/tree/bacula/src/lib/bnet.c#n7
> 84 bsock->timeout = 60 * 60 * 6 * 24;   /* 6 days timeout */
> In branch-7.0 this line is removed.
> (Unfortunately I can’t see a way to get a direct link from cgit directly
> to a line at a particular commit.)
> Regards,
> Ben Roberts

Thanks for the info.

Josip Deanovic

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