Good morning, 

I have question for whom I have not find a possible answer in the net or
my kindle Books of Bacula... 

I wanted to have two different pools with different retention periods
for full copied jobs. In that pools I would like to do one of the
following options : 

- To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the
year to full_archive_pool1 

- To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the
month to full_archive_pool2 

- To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the
year to full_archive_pool1 AND to copy a full job from source full pool
in a concrete moment of the month to full_archive_pool2 

- Nothing 

I mean I would like that certain machines could have some "extra" full
backups archived in that pools. Can be a monthly archived backup, an
annual or both... 

My question is... if I define a schedule like for instance : 

Schedule {
  Run = Copy 1st mon on january at 00:00

Schedule {
  Run = Copy 1st mon at 00:00

And jobs for the machine as : 

Job { 
  Name =
  JobDefs = ""
  Type = Copy
  Level = Full
  Pool = "pool_archivado_annual"
  Storage = "File-device"
  Selection Type = SQL Query
  Selection Pattern = \"SELECT J\.JobId FROM Job J\, Pool P WHERE
P\.Name \= \'source_pool_full\' AND J\.name like
\'\%server_short_name\%\' AND P\.PoolId = J\.PoolId AND J\.level=\'F\'
AND J\.Type = \'B\' AND J\.JobStatus IN \(\'T\'\,\'W\'\) AND J\.jobBytes
\> 0 AND J\.StartTime \> \(current_timestamp - interval \'20 day\'\)
ORDER BY J\.realendtime DESC LIMIT 1\"

Job { 
  Name =
  JobDefs = ""
  Type = Copy
  Level = Full
  Pool = "pool_archivado_monthly"
  Storage = "File-device"
  Selection Type = SQL Query
  Selection Pattern = \"SELECT J\.JobId FROM Job J\, Pool P WHERE
P\.Name \= \'source_pool_full\' AND J\.name like
\'\%server_short_name\%\' AND P\.PoolId = J\.PoolId AND J\.level=\'F\'
AND J\.Type = \'B\' AND J\.JobStatus IN \(\'T\'\,\'W\'\) AND J\.jobBytes
\> 0 AND J\.StartTime \> \(current_timestamp - interval \'20 day\'\)
ORDER BY J\.realendtime DESC LIMIT 1\"

I ask it, because they are two copy jobs in the same machine to be
backed up configuration. If in the schedule I set "Run = Copy......" how
does Bacula know, to which pool should copy the full in the source full
pool?. Perhaps it just works with this config?. I have seen too... that
there's an option of specifying pool in the own schedule... for instance

Run = Level = Full Pool ="pool_archivado_monthly".... 

This way... I assume I would not need two copy jobs... but as I'm naming
pools using as seed of the pool name, the catalog name where they would
be used, I would prefer to work the first way I configured within the
Job definition and without specifying pool in the schedule. So is this
last possible?. How should it be done?. 

Thanks a lot mates, as always... very thankful for all your advises :) 

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