Hi Josh!! 

Perhaps I have not be very clear with my explanation sorry.... It
happens my sometimes :) :) Sorry again :) 

I wanted to mean that... I preferred not to use in the Run line the
"Next Pool" directive. For that purpose I have generated a couple of
jobs : 

- One for monthly archival with it's schedule 

- One for yearly archival with it's schedule too... 

In that two jobs I have set the Next pool directive for avoiding the
fact of using it in Run line in the schedule. 

So I planned  something as : 

_Job { _
_    Name = machine1-fd_copia_archivado_monthly_
_    JobDefs = machine1-fd_defs_
_    Type = Copy_
_    Level = Full_
_    Priority = 1_
_    schedule = one_invented_
_    Pool =  machine1_catalog_archivado_monthly_
_    Storage = File-machine1c_
_    Selection Type = SQL Query_
_    Selection Pattern = "SELECT J\.JobId FROM Job J\, Pool P WHERE
P\.Name \= \'machine1_catalog_full\' AND J\.name like
\'\%$digitos_administrativo\%\' AND P\.PoolId = J\.PoolId AND
J\.level=\'F\' AND J\.Type = \'B\' AND J\.JobStatus IN \(\'T\'\,\'W\'\)
AND J\.jobBytes \> 0 AND J\.StartTime \> \(current_timestamp - interval
\'20 day\'\) ORDER BY J\.realendtime DESC LIMIT 1\"_

_Job { _
_    Name = machine1-fd_copia_archivado_yearly_
_    JobDefs = machine1-fd_defs_
_    Type = Copy_
_    Level = Full_
_    Priority = 1_
_    schedule = one_invented_
_    Pool =  machine1_catalog_archivado_yearly_
_    Storage = File-machine1c_
_    Selection Type = SQL Query_
_    Selection Pattern = "SELECT J\.JobId FROM Job J\, Pool P WHERE
P\.Name \= \'catalogo_$parte1_nombre_catalogo"."_full\' AND J\.name like
\'\%$digitos_administrativo\%\' AND P\.PoolId = J\.PoolId AND
J\.level=\'F\' AND J\.Type = \'B\' AND J\.JobStatus IN \(\'T\'\,\'W\'\)
AND J\.jobBytes \> 0 AND J\.StartTime \> \(current_timestamp - interval
\'20 day\'\) ORDER BY J\.realendtime DESC LIMIT 1\"_

The only reason is just a codding reason... for avoiding writting tons
of Schedules one for each catalog... because as you see... the catalog
is part of the name of the pool.... and... that was really the
question.... if I could specify the next pool in the own archival
jobs... creating one for each archival job.... 

As always many thanks mates :) 



El 2022-05-26 14:33, Josh Fisher escribió:

> ATENCION: Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organización. No pinche 
> en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el remitente y 
> sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> On 5/25/22 12:47, egoitz--- via Bacula-users wrote: 
>> Hi Josh, 
>> Could the NextPool=full_archive_pool1 be set in the own job definition?. It 
>> would be simplier for me... because the real pool names, use as a seed for 
>> the pool name the catalog in which they are.... 
>> is that possible?.
> Yes. In the Run= line of the Schedule resource it is only needed to override 
> the Job resource's NextPool setting. If you make NextPool=full_archive_pool1 
> in the Job resource, then you will only need to add a 
> NextPool=full_archive_pool2 override in the Run= line of the yearly schedule. 
> Best regards,
> El 2022-05-25 16:38, Josh Fisher escribió: 
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> On 5/25/22 08:12, egoitz--- via Bacula-users wrote: 
> Good morning,
> I have question for whom I have not find a possible answer in the net or my 
> kindle Books of Bacula...
> I wanted to have two different pools with different retention periods for 
> full copied jobs. In that pools I would like to do one of the following 
> options :
> - To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the year 
> to full_archive_pool1
> - To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the month 
> to full_archive_pool2
> - To copy a full job from source full pool in a concrete moment of the year 
> to full_archive_pool1 AND to copy a full job from source full pool in a 
> concrete moment of the month to full_archive_pool2
> - Nothing
> I mean I would like that certain machines could have some "extra" full 
> backups archived in that pools. Can be a monthly archived backup, an annual 
> or both...
> My question is... if I define a schedule like for instance :
> Schedule {
> Run = Copy 1st mon on january at 00:00
> }
> Schedule {
> Run = Copy 1st mon at 00:00
> } 
> In the Run = line in each schedule, you may specify the 
> NextPool=full_archive_pool1 for the yearly schedule and 
> NextPool=full_archive_pool2 to the monthly schedule.

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