On 1/13/23 18:04, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
There's been a couple of threads on this topic recently and I posted

I looked, but I thought they were a different problem.

similar question late last year. I get this error sporadically...

I can only assume that network errors are responsible which are transitory.

"Sporadically" and "transitory" looks fine together.

However, this does not seem to be "sporadic".

I've sort of unplugged the network cable in order to have the job end with "Backup OK -- Upload to Cloud failed", so that subsequent jobs can run (and will probably upload due to their small size).

Then I upgraded every package (don't think it matters, still no harm) and now I'm trying with "cloud upload" manually. I'll see how this goes.

 bye & Thanks

What does torrent have to do with S3?

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