I accidentally sent this directly to Davin, so I am re-posting here to maintain 
the thread...

------- Original Message -------
On Saturday, June 10th, 2023 at 13:45, Davin Church <davinchu...@gmail.com> 

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but why is the Director not available to run under the pre-compiled Windows distribution? I ran into this long ago but I thought that it had been re-included more recently. Apparently I was incorrect. Is there a particular reason for this exclusion?


Hello Davin,

There is no Director for Windows.

The Director and Storage daemons must be run on Linux/Unix systems - with the caveat that there actually is a Windows Storage daemon, but it *only*​ supports file storage, and I am pretty sure it does not support any plugins - ie: S3 and aligned volumes for example.

There has been talk of building and supporting the Director on Windows, but 
that talk was pretty quiet and it was a while ago.

At the time, the talk was actually about putting this on the official (Bacula Enterprise)  roadmap, but I have not heard much about it lately. I guess I can ask the developers, or if they see this they can just respond directly. :)

P.S. From a security and malware/ransomware point of view, I would not recommend running the SD on a Windows system. Having the SD on a *nix system is one more level of distancing your backup data from being compromised in case of some attack.

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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