Hello everybody,

On Baculum interface, I have a performance issue on slow remote connections (it 
is fast on the local machine). Sometimes it takes around 5 minutes for the 
Dashboard to load completely. With inspect element option on Firefox, I noticed 
jquery.js is getting 26.65MB of data and it is taking 229530 ms to load the 
whole page (because of the slow connection). Initially the Dashboard comes 
quickly without the "Last 10 jobs" and the "Database size" parts. Then it waits 
4-5 minutes to load that ~26 MB data and shows the rest. I wonder why this 
interface has to get that much data to show the information presented on 
Dashboard. Do you have any idea how can I improve the performance? 
Unfortunately I cannot change the speed of my remote connections. The link for 
the screenshot showing inspect element is below.


Details of the system I connect is as follows:

Operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

Database used: PostgreSQL (version 9.2.24)

Bacula version: 9.6.6-1

Baculum version:

Baculum API version:

Authentication method for users: Oauth2

Kind regards,
Yakup Kaya
Bacula-users mailing list

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