Hi Marcin,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I will have a look at compression, and share my 
results from here. For the number of jobs listed, I already use 100 (default 
was 15000), but in my case it does not change loading time for the dashboard. 
It still gets that 26.65 MB of data and loading time does not change. But that 
setting improves the loading time for "Job history" and I always decrease the 
default on my installations.

Kind regards,

Yakup Kaya

From: Marcin Haba <ganius...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 04:03
To: Yakup Kaya
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Baculum Dashboard is too slow on remote vpn 

Hello Yakup,

You can try to enable compression in your web server. Here you can see
how it can be done for Apache using mod_deflate module:


Also, what can speed up the process of loading pages, you can limit
the number of jobs loaded to the web interface. It is possible to do
under the gearwheel icon in the sidebar menu at the top left.

For the dashboard I think we can also improve a bit loading it. I
noted it on my task list to check in the future. Thanks.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 at 14:11, Yakup Kaya <yakup.k...@indra-avitech.aero> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> On Baculum interface, I have a performance issue on slow remote connections 
> (it is fast on the local machine). Sometimes it takes around 5 minutes for 
> the Dashboard to load completely. With inspect element option on Firefox, I 
> noticed jquery.js is getting 26.65MB of data and it is taking 229530 ms to 
> load the whole page (because of the slow connection). Initially the Dashboard 
> comes quickly without the "Last 10 jobs" and the "Database size" parts. Then 
> it waits 4-5 minutes to load that ~26 MB data and shows the rest. I wonder 
> why this interface has to get that much data to show the information 
> presented on Dashboard. Do you have any idea how can I improve the 
> performance? Unfortunately I cannot change the speed of my remote 
> connections. The link for the screenshot showing inspect element is below.
> https://snipboard.io/GslPw9.jpg
> Details of the system I connect is as follows:
> Operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
> Database used: PostgreSQL (version 9.2.24)
> Bacula version: 9.6.6-1
> Baculum version:
> Baculum API version:
> Authentication method for users: Oauth2
> Kind regards,
> Yakup Kaya
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