On 5/1/24 23:32, Bill Arlofski wrote:


Thank you for the status director output.

It helps to confirm that my first guess of a MaximumConcurrentJobs setting was the correct one:
  259  Back Incr  0  0  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb   is waiting on max Storage jobs

I'm still skeptical about this.
I said myself bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb was waiting on storage "my-sd-in" as there were other jobs queued there. That's fine. What suprises me, is that all the jobs that should run on different Devices are also stuck.

I just restarted my SD now, as I only had jobs waiting. No one running.
"status director" said:
(notice aaaa, bbbb, etc... are sanitized name and they don't necessarily mean the same client/job they did in the previous mail).
 JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
   255  Back Full          0         0  BackupCatalog     is waiting for higher 
priority jobs to finish
   259  Back Incr          0         0  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   is waiting on Storage 
   267  Back Incr          0         0  bbbbbbbbb         is waiting for its 
start time (02-May 12:57)
   269  Back Incr          0         0  ccccccc           is waiting on Storage 
   282  Back Full          0         0  dddddddddd        is waiting for its 
start time (02-May 13:08)
   286  Back Incr          0         0  eeeeeeeeee        is waiting on Storage 
   287  Back Incr          0         0  ffffffffff        is waiting on Storage 
   288  Back Incr          0         0  ggggggg           is waiting on Storage 
   289  Back Incr          0         0  hhhhh             is waiting on Storage 
   294  Back Incr          0         0  iiiiiiii          is waiting on Storage 
   296  Back Incr          0         0  jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj is waiting on Storage 
   297  Back Full          0         0  kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk   is waiting for its 
start time (02-May 12:38)
   299  Back Incr          0         0  lllll             is waiting on Storage 
   301  Back Incr          0         0  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm   is waiting on max 
Storage jobs

So why no job was running now???

Now we need to track it down. :)

Things that will help us when things are currently blocked:

- The Director's Storage resource referred to in the running Jobs

- status director (full header and running jobs section, obfuscated where necessary)

- status storage (the whole thing, o
bfuscated where necessary)

I'll provide them next time I see it blocked.


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