Mandi! Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

> With DataSpooling enabled in all jobs, the only "interleaving" that you will 
> have on your tapes is one big block of Job 1's 
> de-spooled data, then maybe another Job 1 block, or a Job 2 block, or a Job 3 
> block, and so on, depending on which Job's 
> DataSpool file reached the defined maximum Job Spool size at particular times 
> throughout the backup window, or when one hits 
> the total MaximumSpool size and begins de-spooling.

OK, now with log in hand i can understood better what you are meaning:

 root@lnfbacula:~# cat /var/log/bacula/bacula.log | grep '2220[01]' | grep 
Despooling | sort 
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 37,410,474,034 bytes ...
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 220,289,463,963 bytes ...
 14-Jun 22:26 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Despooling elapsed time = 00:25:42, 
Transfer rate = 142.8 M Bytes/second
 14-Jun 22:30 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Despooling elapsed time = 00:03:55, 
Transfer rate = 159.1 M Bytes/second
 15-Jun 00:40 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 32,627,864,192 bytes ...
 15-Jun 00:40 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 225,072,073,743 bytes ...
 15-Jun 00:42 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Despooling elapsed time = 00:02:23, 
Transfer rate = 228.1 M Bytes/second
 15-Jun 00:55 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Despooling elapsed time = 00:13:24, 
Transfer rate = 279.9 M Bytes/second
 15-Jun 01:34 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 31,032,961,822 bytes ...
 15-Jun 01:34 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 226,666,976,157 bytes ...
 15-Jun 01:49 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Despooling elapsed time = 00:14:21, 
Transfer rate = 263.2 M Bytes/second
 15-Jun 01:51 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Despooling elapsed time = 00:02:42, 
Transfer rate = 191.5 M Bytes/second

So, literaly, if one of the job fill the 'MaximumSpoolSize' buffer, *ALL*
job involved (in the same pool, i think) start to write down spool to tape.

But this does not interleave nothing! There's some way to have job 22200
spooling while job 22201 are despooling? What are the gain of having
synchronized despooling?

Also, a little curiosity... if i check the logs, they are not 'ordered by
date'; job start:

 root@lnfbacula:~# cat /var/log/bacula/bacula.log | grep '2220[01]'
 14-Jun 20:00 lnfbacula-dir JobId 22200: Start Backup JobId 22200, 
 14-Jun 20:00 lnfbacula-dir JobId 22200: Using Device "LTO9Storage0" to write.
 14-Jun 20:00 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Volume "AAJ618L9" previously written, 
moving to end of data.
 14-Jun 20:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Ready to append to end of Volume 
"AAJ618L9" at file=58.
 14-Jun 20:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Spooling data ...
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=257,699,937,997 MaxDevSpoolSize=257,698,037,760
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 37,410,474,034 bytes ...
 14-Jun 22:30 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Despooling elapsed time = 00:03:55, 
Transfer rate = 159.1 M Bytes/second
 14-Jun 22:30 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Spooling data again ...

after some time:

 15-Jun 08:53 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22200: Despooling elaps14-Jun 20:00 
lnfbacula-dir JobId 22201: Start Backup JobId 22201, 
 14-Jun 20:00 lnfbacula-dir JobId 22201: Using Device "LTO9Storage0" to write.
 14-Jun 20:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Spooling data ...
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: User specified Device spool size 
reached: DevSpoolSize=257,698,889,409 MaxDevSpoolSize=257,698,037,760
 14-Jun 22:01 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Writing spooled data to Volume. 
Despooling 220,289,463,963 bytes ...
 14-Jun 22:26 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Despooling elapsed time = 00:25:42, 
Transfer rate = 142.8 M Bytes/second
 14-Jun 22:26 bpbkplom-sd JobId 22201: Spooling data again ...

but the dates in logs goes back.

Boh, i'm only curious...


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