
At 06:44 PM 12/9/2004, you wrote:
>>My response is:  Gosh!  I don't know Mark.  Perhaps because the information 
>>that an operator has regarding the results, or perceived results, of his 
>>experiment or research activity can be of value if one wishes to evaluate, at 
>>a later date and in the cold light of reason. the effect of the activity in 

I suppose I am just relating this subject to my own perspectives and interests. 
However, if Ruhi is as popular as some people claim, and I was repulsed by it, 
then I am obviously not the target audience.

If I would have pulled out my Pocket PC to look up a word in its dictionary, 
and the tutor would have said, or recommended, that I not do so, my first 
assumption would have been that the person was joking. After I ascertained that 
she or he was being serious, I would have politely excused myself and walked 

>>I would like to see the results of scientifically controlled interviews of 
>>these tutors.<<

To me, the whole thing is just plain ridiculous. It is not worth the time of a 
social scientist.

Mark A. Foster *
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" 
-- Abbie Hoffman 

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