> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Bahai's insistence on being
> non-partisan in political matters seems odd to me. I'm not sure how to
> put it but it smells like complacency to me.

[D.A.L.] Stepping back totally from political matters has been one of my
greatest challenges as a Baha'i.  The way I take it is twofold:  first it
avoids a whole range of temptations, most of them having to do with various
forms of corruption; and second, it places the emphasis on social actions
that speak directly to others.  In addition, it clarifies for us the fact
that political action can never save the world.  That is in the hands of
God, and we must be willing to have faith in that fact.
> Jesus on the other was from a humbler background. Even as a child, he
> was a refugee, lived in Africa, didn't come from a humble background,
> didn't have servants, associated with the outcasts of society. He was
> homeless, poor. He knew Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea but
> otherwise didn't seem to have many connections or familiarity with
> powerful people. He was a big mouth, often spoke out against the
> authorities, overturned the tables of the money-changes and used whips
> to get them out of the Temple. And similar things could be said of
> John the Baptist.

[D.A.L.] I'm not entirely sure that is fully established about Jesus' life
and circumstances.  His minstry was supported by donations, some of which
came from wealthy patrons.  Hw had a home base in Capernaum, which He may
not have owned outright, but it was there.  Bahá'u'lláh's background was
more like the Buddha's.  God's Manifestations have come from many

Dave Lambert

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