I don't have
trouble with believing that these events may have occurred, considering the

I don't know what "considering the times" means. I'm not sure how the
passing of time could by itself change the moral status of genocide.
If you admit that there are extreme circumstances where genocide is
actually justified, then if those extreme circumstances ever repeated
themselves in the future, then genocide would again be justified.

    By the times, I mean just that. A small band fighting for survival. Mind you, I never said the actions were justified, just that such things happened. If you read the monuments and cuniform tablets of the assyrians and babylonians you find much the same kind of stuff. Back then whole villages got wiped out in war. That doesn't mean that I think it justifiable, just that I think it might have happened just as described. As to the parts about God telling them to do it, we still have people around telling us that its ok to kill outsiders in God's name and it still isn't right.

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