Based on Khazeh and Mark's comments, I've summarized them, in my view of course, below.  No disrespect or exclusivism or superiority is intended.
"We did not leave anything out of this Book, then all will be gathered before their Lord [for judgement]. (Qur'an 6:38)"
This statement emphasizes that the gathering of the Lord will come about after the revelation of this Book, the Qur'an.  This verse is in complete harmony with Baha'i view, and supports the stations of the Bab and Baha'u'llah.
The people are not always prepared to hear everything that God says, including in the Qur'an.
Just and the Jews also had a "complete" Book, there were reasons to explain around it, as Muslims do.  The history repeats itself until the Day of the Lord when all things will shine with the Light of the Lord.
"And there shall be a blast on the Trumpet, and all who are in the Heaven and all who are on the earth shall expire, save those whom God shall vouchsafe to live. Then shall there be another blast on it, and lo! arising they shall gaze around them: and the earth shall shine with the light of her Lord." (Qur'an 39:68-69)
Again, the Bab says that the people were not prepared to view Muhammad as the Lord, they were prepared to view him only as man, exactly as the Perfect Qur'an described.
"When the Apostle of God [Muhammad] appeared, He did not announce unto the unbelievers that the Resurrection had come, FOR THEY COULD NOT BEAR IT." The Bayan 8:9
"Had they heard, they would not have believed." The Bayan 8:9
"This Day is indeed an infinitely might Day, for in it the Divine Tree proclaimeth from eternity unto eternity, 'Verily, I am God.  No God is there but Me.' " The Bayan 8:9
One thing that Muslims did not have was the correct station of Muhammad the Prophet.  The Qur'an cannot be faulted for it, it is the limitation of the people. 
The Religion of God is made of two things:  The Book, and the Person.
* Christians did not have the Gospel exactly right, but they had the Person right.  The people were prepared to hear one, but not the other.
* The Muslims had the Book right, but they didn't have the Person right.  The people were prepared to hear one, but not the other.
* Baha'is, thank God, have the Person right, He is the Lord our God, and they have the Book exactly right, since it was written by the Person Himself.
"O people, if ye deny these verses, by what proof have ye believed in God? Produce it, O assemblage of false ones." -Baha'u'llah, Tablet of Ahmad Arabic
"Whosoever desireth, let him turn aside from this counsel and whosoever desireth let him choose the path to his Lord." -Baha'u'llah, Tablet of Ahmad Arabic

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